Finally a plog update!
When I started this I planned to update this plog on a more regular basis, but have decided instead of flooding you guys with update. I thought I would save up my work and do more irregular larger plogs.
So What have I been upto, as always there is some Knight Models, well only one and with no Marvel release for February, the only one for a while.
The Model?
Loki the trickster:

As I hope you guys know I love to paint characterful and interesting models, which leads me to my next model.
I have had this model for years but never got around to paint it. I have to say, how glad I am I waited and got inspiration to paint it from a pot of Tamiya Clear red. So I went for a candy apple red look and a Ironman look.
From Rackham models: a Dwarf of Tir-Na-Bor

I have to say I really enjoyed painting this one, I may have to try and find more Rackham miniatures to paint.
Now for the real big project that I have had of the past few weeks. Paint up the starter set for Infinity: Operation Icestorm.
Now the male and more bulky models were fine to build, but the female minis were a nightmare, so thin I couldn't pin them, so anyone out there got advice on how to sort this?
So lets start with the Faction I intend to use, The Nomads.

Now I have to say I am loving the miniatures and have planned a few addition to my Nomads and even thinking about a second Faction,
My only issue apart from the female models, is the Introductory rule set. They are very basic and for me someone who suffers from Dyslexia, they brought up more questions than answers. So I have moved other to the full rule set which are the complete opposite, and the game itself is real fun.
I start off with the free PDH rules that are available but I found these hard to follow I prefer a physical book, so I bought it from Element games (code AND220 by the way)
I received in a day, the book is great and I even managed to get hold of the exclusive Bounty Hunter too:

Now for the second half of the starter set: Pan Oceania (won't be my second choice nothing wrong with them just don't like them)

Well c&c is welcome, especially for my problem building the fragile female models.
I am also looking characterful miniatures to paint, Any suggestions please!
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