Been awhile!
Boy! I have been away awhile, I have been painting just haven't had the mojo to post my work in here, so come on guys give me a bit of feedback and keep my moo flowing.
As I said in the past my carpel tunnel is slowing me down, but I am happy to say the treatment on the 13th August seems to have taken currently no sharp pains in my wrist, only mild stiffness and dull pain. Which making long painting sessions a thing of the past.
I can happily say I have complete all 30 infantry for a commission I'm working on and 25% through the Death Riders:

Thankfully, I have now in my own personal paint have moved away from batch painting and concentrate on character pieces.
And as always have Knight models miniatures to show off.
I'll start with the Black Widow:

Next is in fact a DC character the Green Arrow, but I again have changed his purpose and fashioned myself a Hawkeye:

The duet:

Now for something you can't buy in the shops, from a private sculptor, someone you have to talk to very nicely if you want one. Donatello to go with my Leonardo:

Brotherly love:

So hope you like, and hope you readers help me with my mojo!
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