Been awhile!
Well I have been absent for while, my lovely carpel tunnel has been playing up something rotten, therefore haven't really been able to get much done painting wise.
I have had Leonardo completed for sometime now, great lilo miniature can't wait to get my hands on his brothers:
Also bought some more Knight models but I have run out of Marvel ones to buy so I bought some DC ones. Don't panic they are get the Marvel treatment e.g. Deathstroke has been Marvelised into Deadpool:

Knowing My luck Knight models will release a Deadpool next month. I also have a Green Arrow to turn into a Hawkeye.
This carpel tunnel is a bugger making really hard to get the commission I have done, I have done some although you can't see the horses are complete and so are the great coats, will be getting the khaki done in the nest few days:

Thankfully or not I have a carpel tunnel treatment booked for the 13th August which is a needle into the wrist joint, I am not looking forward to that. Well it is better than the operation I could and might have to have.
To keep the creative juices flowing I bought some more Lego for my son and I to build. This time X-men, this was a good build not as good as the Ghostbusters or my hobbit hole but still worth the spend:

And of course the Blackbird:

Group shot:

Still looking for more followers and a comment or two
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